It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our Church Family at Metropolitan Baptist Church.
I hope you will be able to benefit from the various Ministries we have in our Church. Metropolitan is a family friendly church. We have Ministries, organizations, programs, teaching and worship experiences to meet the spiritual desires and needs of all age Christians. The presence of the Lord is here and it is evidenced in our activities through out the week, not just on Sunday.
So feel free to join us during Midweek Worship Service and Bible Study; as well as Sunday School and Sunday Morning Worship Service. Again I take delight in welcoming you to Metropolitan Baptist Church. We look forward to fellowshipping with you. May God’s favor continue with you.
-Pastor Robert L. Hobbs, PHD., D. Min.
Join Us For Worship Services
We want to extend this invitation for you to come along and become part of our Church Family. Where you feel that you belong. For you are valued by the Lord and He has a purpose for you. He’s placed within you special gifts He longs for you to use and we as a Church would love to see you grow within your gifts. For then we all can receive a blessing with what God’s blessed you with..